
Technology Addiction Services Offered by CITA

At The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction (CITA) we offer a variety of internet and technology addiction services, from personal and professional consultations to lectures and workshops.
Personal Consultation Services
Dr. Greenfield is available for personal consultation by appointment either in person, by phone, or as a speaker on many areas of internet addiction. Services include personal and family consultations, media and press interviews, public lectures and more.
Corporate and Business
Consultation Services and the The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction is proud to offer consultation to business and corporations on the design and implementation of company Internet use policies. Analysis will include productivity problems, employee assistance, ADA regulations and dealing with Internet abuse in the workplace. A special focus on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of Internet abuse and addiction will be offered.

Also available: “How to Expand Your Business Into Cyberspace: Is the Internet a Place for Your Business?”
Legal Testimony & Expert Witness
With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Greenfield is an internationally recognized expert on Internet and computer behavior, Internet Addiction and cybersex. He has provided legal testimony and expert opinions on numerous cases including divorce cases, Internet pornography and other legal issues.
Educational Seminars & Workshops
Over the last 12 years Dr. Greenfield has presented over 50 public lectures, professional workshops and business seminars on Internet Addiction, The Impact of Technology, Technology & Stress and a variety of other high-tech addictions. Mental health and Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP) appreciate his subject matter expertise and clear instructional style. Dr. Greenfield is available for workshops on Cybersex, Pornography, Gambling and Video and Computer Gaming as well as other Internet and Digital Media Technology topics.
Lectures & Public Speaking Engagements
Dr. Greenfield is available for speaking engagements on topics such as digital technologies, Internet Addiction, computer gaming, taming social media, managing digital distractions, and more.

You can learn more about Dr. Greenfield in our About and Press pages.

If you still have questions about technology addiction services, or if you’re ready to get started, contact our office at 860-561-8727 Ext.4 or to schedule the consultation or service you need.

What we offer

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Concentrated short-term therapy for individuals and couples facing addiction, compulsion, and marital problems.


Individualized therapy for Technology Addiction, Substance Abuse, and Compulsive Behavior problems.


Custom-tailored workshops on a range of topics related to the use and abuse of technology.


Personal, academic, educational, and business consulting services on technology use and overuse.

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