Intensive Outpatient Program

The Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program (IOTP) at The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction (CITA) offers time-constrained individuals, families, or couples the ability to receive therapy and make rapid progress with their concerns in a short amount of time.
What is an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program (IOTP)?
What is an Intensive Outpatient Program and Who Does It Help?
How an Intensive Outpatient Program Works – including sample IOTP session
Technologies Addiction Intensive Treatment
Online Gambling
Internet Surfing/Shopping
Internet Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment Program
Assess/Diagnose Sex or Porn Addiction and Compulsion
Examine and Understand Patterns, Triggers and Causes
Identify Community Resources and Supports
Develop a Relapse Prevention Plan
Heal and Strengthen Your Relationship With Yourself and Others
Relationship Conflicts Intensive Program
Relationship Bootcamp
Understand and Address Relationship Stressors
Improve Communication
Reclaim Passion
Enjoy Growth and Change